Change of independent registered medical practitioner
The Role of the IRMP
An Independent Registered Medical Practitioner (IRMP) is a person who is registered with the General Medical Council and either holds a:
- Diploma in occupational health medicine (D Occ Med), or
- An equivalent qualification issued by a competent authority in an EEA state (within the meaning given by section 55(1) of the Medical Act 1983); or
- Is an Associate, a Member or a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine or
- An equivalent institution of an EEA state.
Before determining whether a member is entitled to an ill health pension, a certificate must be obtained from an IRMP who has not previously advised on, or given an opinion on, or otherwise been involved in the case and who has been authorised by the Pension Fund administering authority.
Change of IRMP
Where you are considering changing your IRMP, you must contact the Surrey Pension Fund at
The Pension Fund must authorise the new IRMP before any ill health certificates can be accepted.