Privacy notices and data retention policy


Privacy notice

Surrey County Council as Administering Authority holds personal data about members in its capacity as data controller for the proper handling of all matters relating to the Surrey Pension Fund, including its administration and management.

This includes the need to:

  • process the member's data
  • to contact the member
  • to calculate, secure and pay the member's benefits
  • for statistical and financial modelling
  • for reference purposes (for example, when we assess how much money is needed to provide members' benefits and how that money should be invested)
  • to manage liabilities and administer the Fund generally.

Further information about how we use the member's personal data can be found in the Privacy Notice.

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding sets out the following in order to comply with Data Protection Law.

  • The basis on which data will be shared between Parties
  • The Administering Authority's expectations of the Scheme Employer during its participation in the Fund

Personal Data Retention Policy for Surrey Pension Fund

Surrey County Council, as data controllers, are required by legislation to comply with the principles of data minimisation and storage limitation.

Personal data Surrey County Council process:

  • Must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed; and
  • Must not be kept in a form which permits identification of a data subject for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed.

Surrey County Council are obliged to retain certain records (whether in hard copy or electronic form) for various periods of time because:

  • There is a statutory obligation to do so; and/or
  • The information contained in those records may be necessary for the future (for example, questions may arise about the calculation of benefits paid in the past, and data that may be relevant to a possible legal claim needs to be kept until the period within which that claim could be brought has expired).

The Personal Data Retention Policy for Surrey Pension Fund sets out the measures adopted by the Fund to comply with the principles of data minimisation and storage limitation in relation to personal data that it holds.

Personal Data Retention Policy for Scheme Employers

Employers participating in the Fund are under a statutory duty to provide data to the Fund under Regulation 80 of the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013.

The Personal Data Retention Policy sets out the Fund's expectations of employers participating in the Fund in relation to the retention of personal data that is required by the Fund.

You should complete the relevant sections of this policy and publish it on your website.