End of year return


Annual return

At the end of each financial year, all employers must provide the statutory end of year contribution return, for their Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) members who were contributing to the Scheme for all or part of the year between 1 April and 31 March.

Please note that if you return your information via i-Connect, this will be part of your March i-Connect submission and you do not have to do any additional actions.

If you do not send your returns via i-Connect, we will send you the latest version of the spreadsheet at the beginning of each year, usually by the end of February.

It is important that you return the Annual Return spreadsheet as soon as possible after 31 March, and at the latest by 30 April.

The completed return should be sent to us via Egress secure email as soon as possible after the end of the financial year and no later by the above deadline to: pensions.technical@surreycc.gov.uk

Why we need the end of year information

The information that you provide is used to calculate the member's Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) pension built up for that year and produce an Annual Benefit Statement for each of your active LGPS members, who have contributed to the Scheme during the financial year.

This provides the member with the current value of their pension benefits and a projection of their pension to their normal pension age.


Should we receive any return files after the 30 April, we will not be able to guarantee the information provided will be verified and processed in time to be used for the Annual Benefit Statements. The statutory deadline for producing Annual Benefit Statements is 31 August.

If we receive your end of year return and it has incomplete data, or data that does not correspond with the data we hold on your employees, we will request the missing information and/or request validation on the information you have sent.

If you have any questions regarding completing the Annual Return spreadsheet, please see our video on how to complete the spreadsheet or contact us on 0300 200 1031 or crtpensions@surreycc.gov.uk

Annual allowance

If, after we have completed our initial calculations, it shows that any of your employees have exceeded their Annual Allowance limit, we will contact you again to request their pay data for the period to 5 April.

This will enable us to complete the calculation and provide the member with their Pension Savings Statement.