Transfers into the LGPS


Transfers into the scheme

When a member joins the LGPS, they may transfer in their previous pension benefits, to increase the pension that they hold within the scheme.

The member must request a transfer within the first year of joining the LGPS to have an automatic right to transfer benefits into the scheme.

If they wish to apply for a 'late' transfer after one year, the employer and the Surrey Pension Fund must both agree for the transfer to proceed.

Previous LGPS benefits may be automatically transferred in, depending upon the date that the previous employment ended and the length of membership within the scheme.

Transfers into the LGPS can often take several months to complete, due to the fact that we have to request information from a 3rd party.

Please note that a pension credit awarded because of a pension sharing order cannot be transferred into the LGPS.

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) may also be transferred.

New starters

When a member joins the LGPS, we send them an email or letter to welcome them to the LGPS.

Part of that correspondence advises the member how they notify us of their previous pension benefits.

Previous LGPS benefits

The member must advise the Surrey Pension Fund of any previous LGPS benefits they hold in England and Wales, by completing form LG7.

Previous LGPS benefits may be automatically transferred, depending upon the date that the previous employment ended and the length of membership, and the member may have the option to elect to keep the benefits separate.

If the member paid LGPS in house AVCs they will also need to inform us of this on the LG7 form. If the member's main scheme benefits are transferred then the AVCs must also be transferred to Surrey's in house AVC provider.

Previous non LGPS pension benefits

The member can advise Surrey Pension Fund of any previous non-LGPS benefits they hold, by completing form LG8 and sending this to their previous pension provider.

The previous provider will send us a transfer value which will be used to provide the member with a quotation of the additional pension the transfer would provide.

Once the member confirms that they wish to proceed with the transfer, we request the funds to be sent from the previous provider and complete the transfer.

AVCs may also be transferred and would purchase additional pension in the LGPS.

Club transfers

If the member wishes to transfer another Public Service pension, for example a pension from the NHS or Teachers Pensions, on the more favourable Club basis, then the transfer must be completed within the first year of joining.

The member must also not have had a break in membership of more than 5 years between leaving the previous scheme and joining the LGPS to be eligible for a Club transfer.

If the transfer is not completed within the first year of joining, then it will be classed as a non-Club transfer.

Transfers from public sector schemes usually give benefits that are broadly equivalent to those in the LGPS, if transferred under the Club transfer rules.

AVCs may also be transferred and would purchase additional pension in the LGPS.