Communication policy

Communication is at the heart of everything the Surrey Pension Fund does and there is a dedicated communication team in place to help the Fund meet its current and future communication challenges.

The Communication Policy provides an overview of how the Surrey Pension Fund communicates with its full range of stakeholders. An effective communication strategy is vital for the Fund to meet its objective of providing a high quality and consistent service to the stakeholders.

The Communication Policy has been produced in accordance with Regulation 61 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Administration) Regulations 2013.

The Regulation requires that:

  1. An administering authority must prepare, maintain and publish a written statement setting out its policy concerning communications with:
    a) scheme members (active, deferred, retired and dependant)
    b) representatives of scheme members
    c) prospective scheme members
    d) scheme employers
  2. The statement must set out its policy on:
    a) the provision of information and publicity about the scheme
    b) the format, frequency, and method of distributing such information or publicity
    c) the promotion of the scheme to prospective scheme members and their employers.

The strategy must be revised and published by the administering authority following a material change in their policy on any matters referred to in paragraph (2).