Leavers - member not retiring


Members with two years or more membership

When a member of staff ceases an employment and

  • is under age 55
  • is over age 55 and does not wish to take their retirement benefits (and are under age 75)

they are entitled to a deferred (frozen) retirement benefit.

Once the member leaves, you should include their details in your next monthly data return.

Please complete the scheme leaver datafile and return it to pensions.technical@surreycc.gov.uk, via Egress Switch.

On receipt of the datafile, we will write to the member and confirm the options available to them.

Members with less than two years membership

If the member of staff ceases an employment, and they do not have two years membership, they may be entitled to a refund of their contributions.

Once the member leaves, you should include their details in your next monthly data return.

Please complete the scheme leaver datafile and return it to pensions.technical@surreycc.gov.uk, via Egress Switch.

Please note: if you are advising us of an old refund due, please supply the NI Earnings between Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) & Upper Accrual Point (UAP) for all pre-April 2016 tax years.

Ongoing or New Employment

If the member of staff has an ongoing employment, or re-joins the LGPS in another role, they will have the option to combine any separate periods of membership to their active membership.

We will contact the member to advise them of their option to combine the multiple periods of membership.

Please note that if the member has a deferred benefit due to opting out of the scheme on or after to 11 April 2015, then they will not be able to combine their periods of membership.

Useful links