Contact form
Other ways to get in touch
You can also contact the Customer Relationship Team by phone or email:
By phone: 0300 200 1031 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm)
By email:
We are able to receive visitors at our Dakota office by appointment only.
'My Pension' member self service
The Customer Relationship Team has a dedicated telephone line for members experiencing difficulties with the 'My Pension' Member Self Service.
By phone: 0300 200 1034 (Monday to Friday. 9am to 4pm)
Where to send information
All correspondence and administration forms which include personal data must be sent securely.
E-mail completed forms to Surrey Pension Team securely using the 'Egress' secure email system to:
- - for Datafiles
- – for form LG29, LG4 and any other correspondence, for example, ill Health Certificates.